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Before starting to write a program. Let us know what is data types. So, let's get started.

Data types means how much memory it will be allocated to storing data. Data types in C Language are:

int, float, double and char.

Examples : 2 is a number and it is an integer so data types is int.

 A is an alphabet and it is character type so data types is char. 

The Full Code of to Perform input/output of all basic data types:

  * C program to demonstrate input output of primitive data types  
 #include <stdio.h>  
 int main()  
    * Declare all primitive and derived types  
   char charVal;  
   unsigned char uCharVal;  
   short shortVal;  
   unsigned short uShortVal;  
   int intVal;  
   unsigned int uIntVal;  
   long longVal;  
   unsigned long uLongVal;  
   long long longLongVal;  
   unsigned long long uLongLongVal;  
   float floatVal;  
   double doubleVal;  
   long double longDoubleVal;  
    * Read input in each type  
   printf("Enter a character: ");  
   charVal = getchar();  
   printf("Enter another character: ");  
   uCharVal = getchar();  
   printf("Enter a signed short value: ");  
   scanf("%hi", &shortVal);  
   printf("Enter an unsigned short value: ");  
   scanf("%hu", &uShortVal);  
   printf("Enter an signed integer value: ");  
   scanf("%d", &intVal);  
   printf("Enter an unsigned integer value: ");  
   scanf("%lu", &uIntVal);  
   printf("Enter a signed long value: ");  
   scanf("%ld", &longVal);  
   printf("Enter an unsigned long value: ");  
   scanf("%lu", &uLongVal);  
   printf("Enter a signed long long value: ");  
   scanf("%lld", &longLongVal);  
   printf("Enter an unsigned long long value: ");  
   scanf("%llu", &uLongLongVal);  
   printf("Enter a float value: ");  
   scanf("%f", &floatVal);  
   printf("Enter a double value: ");  
   scanf("%lf", &doubleVal);  
   printf("Enter a long double value: ");  
   scanf("%Lf", &longDoubleVal);  
    * Print the value of all variable  
   printf("\nYou entered character: '%c' \n", charVal);  
   printf("You entered unsigned character: '%c' \n\n", uCharVal);  
   printf("You entered signed short: %hi \n", shortVal);  
   printf("You entered unsigned short: %hu \n\n", uShortVal);  
   printf("You entered signed int: %d \n", intVal);  
   printf("You entered unsigned int: %lu \n\n", uIntVal);  
   printf("You entered signed long: %ld \n", longVal);  
   printf("You entered unsigned long: %lu \n\n", uLongVal);  
   printf("You entered signed long long: %lld \n", longLongVal);  
   printf("You entered unsigned long long: %llu \n\n", uLongLongVal);
   printf("You entered float: %f \n", floatVal);  
   printf("You entered double: %lf \n", doubleVal);  
   printf("You entered long double: %Lf \n", longDoubleVal);  
   return 0;  

Output of the Above Program is: 

Enter a character: C  
 Enter another character: P  
 Enter a signed short value: -32768  
 Enter an unsigned short value: 65535  
 Enter an signed integer value: -2147483648  
 Enter an unsigned integer value: 4294967295  
 Enter a signed long value: -2147483648  
 Enter an unsigned long value: 4294967295  
 Enter a signed long long value: -9223372036854775808  
 Enter an unsigned long long value: 18446744073709551615  
 Enter a float value: 1.28766  
 Enter a double value: 10.915074  
 Enter a long double value: 100.12345  
 You entered character: 'C'  
 You entered unsigned character: 'P'  
 You entered signed short: -32768  
 You entered unsigned short: 65535  
 You entered signed int: -2147483648  
 You entered unsigned int: 4294967295  
 You entered float: 1.287660  
 You entered double: 10.915074  
 You entered long double: 100.123450  

   I hope you clearly understood. If you have any query related to this post. Please Comment Us!